- September 15th, 2021 -

Suggest and vote on new features to be added to WoA


Huge community updates released! Interact and build with our new community tools out right now.

As always, I want to thank everyone for joining our Twitch streams and chatting with us on Discord. Without your support and ideas, WoA wouldn't be in the place it is today. I can't believe how positively wonderful our community has become. Everyone is so sweet and fun to talk to, so thank you again for being a part of this journey!

V is for voting?

That's right; we can now suggest and vote on community ideas. We combined the functionality of Reddit and a simple, agile development scrum board to give you the ability to contribute ideas directly to us! Now this update is in its infancy, but we will adjust its functionality based on your response! You could even suggest updates to the new voting system with the new voting system; now that's meta.

Wonders of Aether Suggest a Feature And Vote

How does it work?

First off, if you are full of ideas, you need to fill out the Suggest a Feature form. After reading the rules and submitting the form, we will moderate your post and release it into the wild within 24-48hrs. If you need rush delivery, feel free to @Waffles in our Discord, and I can take a look! After your suggestion gets posted here, users will be able to vote up, down, and comment on your suggestion. When your post gets popular and we've solidified the request, you might see your feature move into Selected for Development, where the spec is established on the feature with no further edits. After this spec process, you will see the feature move into In Development, where you can see live updates to your feature all the way to completion!

Wonders of Aether Suggest a Feature And Vote

Get your name in the credits of WoA!

People who contribute by posting features and adding constructive conversation to feature requests will get their name credited in the final version of WoA! Just be sure your comments stay on topic and contribute to building the feature, and you're in! Champion your post to popularity by sharing it with friends to help improve your chances of changing that request into a full-blown feature!

Good soup, but why?

We had a mixture of ideas coming from all over the place, and it was getting difficult to manage everyone's input on ideas. It became hard to track all your great ideas! So I didn't want to lose the connection with our community as we continued to grow and decided this was an excellent first step to staying organized.

But Wait... There's More!

As we grow, I have been automating as much as I can along the way. Our community is vital, and we've been making improvements with our Discord. If you just joined us, you might have noticed our bot Lucia. Wonders of Aether Lucia Discord Bot Lucia comes from our planet Aether to accompany us on Discord. You'll learn more about Lucia as we progress through Pre-Alpha, but for now, you can say hi to her on Discord! With her powers, we can level up and more. Curious about what actions you can perform with Lucia? Use the !help command in the #bot channel to find out!

What to expect next?

As we start to hit our rhythm again after taking a break to build out community features, you can expect to see more gameplay in the coming weeks! Like always, join our Discord to get bleeding-edge information. You can also talk directly to me the developer @Waffles! Hope to see you on our Twitch streams every Friday at midnight Tokyo time! Thanks again!

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Pssh, Are you press?